“Super” Needs

Richmond’s “Super” Needs in Communities of Concern

Richmond’s transportation needs are being identified through a complex data-driven analysis and public input.  The needs are focused on improving access to opportunities and reducing barriers, especially for people who are experiencing injustices.  

Not everyone in Richmond has the same access to opportunities.  

  • Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)
  • People living in low-income households 
  • Senior citizens
  • Renters
  • People whose primary language is not English
  • At-risk youth
  • People with limited mobility

These populations experience more burdens and transportation barriers than others. ​

In Richmond Connects, the term “Communities of Concern” is used to describe people who identify with one or more of these characteristics. 

The transportation needs being identified in Richmond Connects are focused on addressing transportation problems for people who live in Communities of Concern. 


Through survey results, in-person outreach, and focus group discussions, people who live in Communities of Concern noted several needs repeatedly.  These are “Super” Needs – they are the needs that communities of concern consistently raised as needing to be addressed first. 

These “Super” Needs will be given priority during the development of recommendations.  

See the “Super” Needs for Communities of Concern in:

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